

An apparently well-liked and harmless chap in Kurow threatened to commit suicide so the Police turned up and killed him. Perhaps they were influenced by the publicity ascribed to David Seymour’s assisted death Bill, thus this new service.

One thing’s for sure. We can save the cost of the assisted dying referendum and simply rely on the Police to take care of the situation when it arises.


Totally inappropriate and very, very bad taste!

Evidently training police to de-escalate life and death situations has fallen out of vogue.

    Or more likely the deceased always intended to perish via “suicide by cop”, and also knew how to act and in a way that made it unavoidable.

    So bringing it back to Bob’s original post, many a true word spoken in jest. Including when the quip is from the Garrick Tremain school of marginal taste.

    So, hot shot, so what you do if someone was advancing on you with a firearm? For me, there is no option. Go back to your superman comics!

      Presumably the title of Andrew Worth’s comics are “Satire” and “Irony” and as you failed to pick either in his comment, maybe you need to go back to your colouring books, Gary, and let the adults continue their discussion uninterrupted.

Don’t point guns at police and you won’t get shot.

You make sure you’re at a safe distance and talk him down – as I understand it there were no other people close by, so the police did not need to get into a close quarters confrontation. It’s called situational awareness and empathic skills, obviously not an area you’re qualified in.

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