

Unmitigated tosh was talked by diverse commentators, mostly with a personal employment interest in the matter, with advice that TV3 is to close its spasmodic news service, plus the ending of some TVNZ shows such as “Fair Go”. The death of democracy was the ridiculous common theme.

The cold hard fact is these closures originated from a single cause, namely the commercially inadequate, steadily decreasing audience they were attracting. For example, I’m a life-long news hog to a degree unmatched by anyone I’m aware of and I never watched these shows.

Much of the attention focused on newsreaders, their jobs being about as simple as any known to mankind. A stop-go sign holder at roadworks literally has more intellectual demands placed on him or her than someone robotically reading the lines from a screen. This celebrity treatment of newsreaders reading off a screen reached its most embarrassing point last century when the likes of women’s magazine branded TV One’s then screen reader Judy Bailey as “the Mother of the Nation”.

While it’s good to have different opinion outlets re the news, the indisputable fact is that television with its time restraints can never match print in analysis, thus the danger exists of a sensationalist approach.

Television as a news source to some degree equates with comic strips, that is providing a pictorial element to a story.

For example, a few days ago I read in The Guardian that the flooding in Kazakhstan occupied an area as big as Europe and that parts of western Russia were similarly hit. Subsequently Al Jazeera showed the latter, namely the usual scenes we’re well familiar with, from any flood anywhere.

Again, the disgusting genocide in Gaza has been dramatically brought home, particularly by Al Jazeera, and so it goes.

The one advantage television news has to print, and it’s a huge one, is its immediacy being up to date by the minute, but that doesn’t apply to the twice daily TV3 news service or TVNZ shows such as “Fair Go”.

For example, if say the British Prime minister was assassinated, radio and television will inform us instantly whereas depending on the time of day it occurs, it might take a newspaper 24 hours to report it. But that only applies to continuous 24 hours daily news services such as Al Jazeera, the BBC, Sky and CNN which is why each morning when I wake, I tune in to see what’s happened.

These channels always lead with an introduction of their forthcoming main stories and occasionally they reflect nothing significantly news-worthy to report whereupon I turn them off and pick up the book I’m currently reading while awaiting fulfillment of my natural human right of breakfast in bed.





I get a cup of tea every morning, It’s taken some years and a deal of training! you’ll have to give me some lessons on how to progress this to breakfast.

You are absolutely right Sir Bob – journalists have been responsible for the death of news services by their biased, juvenile action as mouthpieces for the Arden cult. As an ex journalist I despair at all news outlets for their smarmy promotion of Maoridom, the left and the lefties and their total and absolute failure to tackle the real and very serious issues that New Zealand faces. They are totally responsible for their own demise and they are responsible for the threat that New Zealand democracy is currently facing. Where are journalists of the ability of Pat Booth, Nevil Gibson, Jenni McManus, et al?

A well reasoned comment.

It seems that current offerings from our media rely on hyperbole and opinion which is out of step with the expectations of most New Zealanders.

In my opinion..

You could also have added that Judy Bailey, who was already getting paid (note I didn’t say ‘was earning’) more than the P.M., sought to negotiate a doubling of her already fictitious salary and so didn’t get her contract renewed. Thus justice was served.

It has always bemused me that Mon to Friday they require two news readers yet on the weekend only one is required.

I am sure your readers would very much appreciate your views on the Israel Palestine war and how it came to this Sir Bob. Any chance?

I used to get breakfast in bed, but the reception on the TV turned bad; and I havent bothered fixing it…for good reason..

I get up earlier now, and currently watch the clay court tennis highlights on youtube…

NZ TV news has gone to the dogs, and a reflection of where his country has been heading with the poor governance we have had….

Like other failing democracies; current governance included, they are importing people in an attempt to keep it afloat….

The demise of tv news is a perfect example of democracy with the vote of viewers going elsewhere.

As for the suggestions of government funding, we might as well fund the return of Cobb and Co and Georgie Pie.

“Mother of the Nation” with reference to Judy Bailey was originally a bit of ironic humour originating (as far as I can recall) on bFM. It was horrifying when people actually started saying it unironically.

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