

Few would argue when I say we’re living in dangerous times thus it’s hard to imagine any news-item which would truly shock us, so I put the thinking cap on to think one up. Try this.

Imagine if Cameron Slater of Whale-Oil fame, made a submission to a Parliamentary committee which included Chloe Swarbrick. Cameron and Chloe take one look at one another and are both instantly smitten.

Two months later, Chloe, having renounced left-wingism and lesbianism, clad in a full virginal white wedding dress, with Ricardo Menendez March prancing prettily in a pink velvet outfit as a page boy, and Grant Robertson, also virginally clad in a billowing white bridesmaid’s gown, go through a traditional wedding ceremony with Cameron, he suitably clad in a military uniform, conducted by His Grace, Bishop Brian Tamaki.

I include Grant as a bridesmaid for he refers to his partner Alf, who’s a little bloke half his size and was half-back in the nation’s first homosexual rugby team years ago, as his, Grant’s husband.

That presumably makes Grant his wife and the mind certainly boggles at the thought of these two disparate figures’ difficulties in engaging in what have you. Probably best not to go there.

The question is, would we be shocked in this age of continuing daily crazy and frightening news items?

Conditioned as we are, probably within hours we’d accept it and instead see it as an uplifting cause for hope that good things can still happen.




If that were to happen, I think there would ensue a repeat of the “Spanish” inquisition – Cam would not fair too well I suspect haha!

But our media technologies now can present any plotline, along with visuals and music to emphasise the mood and emotion. And that creates legitimacy in the minds of the viewers. “I see it with my own eyes, therefore I believe”.

Being on the 6pm news once gave any event or case being put legitimacy. NOT being on the 6pm news meant you were irrelevant.

Somehow society needs to be retrained on how to think discriminately, and where and how to extract some sort of truth from the variety of biased outlets we haev access to. I use a technique of triangulation as best I can, but sometimes get overwhelmed just trying to make it all fit into some sort of order. Especially when we see photos of Gerry Brownlee having coffee with Golriz. Just what is going on?

I’ve Taken to learing the fiddel while Rome burns….

Certainly a lot funnier, but little more shocking than when PM Hipkins couldn’t identify what a woman was. And now we have PM Luxon, who doesn’t know what indigenous means. While not uncommon amongst politicians, maybe this acute galloping dormancy is a Prime Ministerial affliction?

    I’m not a fan of either Hipkins or Luxon, but I suspect they both have a very clear view of what a woman is and what indigenous means (respectively). However this is the state of the woke media today, where they are continually trying to catch a politician out to embarrass (and consequently sell advertising) and create news and controversy where there is none.

Good book to read Bob the evil twins of technocracy and transhomanism Patrick m wood eill frighten the living daylights out of you but is the future now

I still snigger like a school kid every time I read “..his grace Bishop Tamaki”


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